Taking the Lead logo
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You’ve done the work. You’ve gotten this far.
Now you’re ready to hit your stride as a leader, step into your power and earn a permanent seat at the leadership table.

At this event, you will learn how to create an intentional path for your leadership journey, including three key elements:

  • Building your personalized leadership road map
  • Creating your professional brand
  • Developing the negotiation skills to get you there

Plus, you will have a small, supportive cohort of other women participating with you to support you on your journey, here and beyond. Whether you are an emerging talent or an experienced leader, this workshop will give you the tools you need to get to the next level.

Your Women’s Accelerator Pass includes streaming access to all Taking the Lead session recordings for 90 days post-event!

Get a Sneak Peak to Certain Sessions Below! To Gain access to all sessions, purchase your pass here!
Eastern Daylight Time Day 1  //  Sunday, Oct. 25 Day 2  //  Monday, Oct. 26 Day 3  //  Tuesday, Oct. 27
10:30am EDT The Power of a Network:
Meet Your Workshop Leaders
10:30 - 11:15am EDT
Daily Debrief
10:30 - 11:00am EDT
Daily Debrief
10:30 - 11:00am EDT
10:45am EDT
11:00am EDT
11:15am EDT Align Your Leadership Brand
11:15am - 12:30pm EDT
Amp Up Your Negotiation Skills
11:15am - 12:45pm EDT
11:30am EDT Take Charge of Your Leadership Journey:
(Before Someone Else Does)
11:30am - 1:00pm EDT
11:45am EDT
12:00pm EDT
12:15pm EDT
12:30pm EDT "Ask Me Anything" Speaker Sessions
12:30pm - 1:00pm EDT
12:45pm EDT
1:00pm EDT PANEL: Taking The Lead-Insights from the Front Lines
1:00 - 2:00pm EDT
1:15pm EDT PANEL: Mapping your Leadership Journey
1:15 - 2:15pm EDT
Brown Bag Breakouts:
Powering Up
1:15 - 2:15pm EDT
1:30pm EDT
1:45pm EDT
2:00pm EDT
2:15pm EDT Ready to Act Like a Leader
2:15 - 3:30 EDT
2:30pm EDT Growing Big Ideas Through Design Thinking
2:30 - 4:00 EDT
Afternoon Keynote
A Conversation with Dr. Sheila Brooks:
The Power in Career Transitions
2:30 - 3:30pm EDT
2:45pm EDT
3:00pm EDT
3:15pm EDT
3:30pm EDT
The Power of a Network: Meet Your Workshop Leaders
Amy DeLouise, Ellyn McKay, Susan Borke
Sunday, October 25 / 10:30am - 11:15am EDT

Learn about the leadership journey of each of our workshop leaders, and how their networks have intersected and powered their careers. Get ready to power up your leadership journey!

Take Charge of Your Leadership Journey (Before Someone Else Does)
Speaker: Ellyn McKay
Sunday, October 25 / 11:30am - 1:00pm EDT

What is stopping you from being the most confident, most successful leader you can be? You are smart. You are capable. You are well-respected. You get results. AND you know you can do more and accomplish more as a leader.

HOW will you become the leader you are capable of becoming AND earn a permanent seat at the leadership table?

After 30 years of working with women leaders who have transformed themselves and their businesses, Ellyn McKay will share concrete ways you can take charge of and accelerate your leadership journey so you can begin to think, feel and act like the leader you can be. Participants will get an inside look at the DiSC Work of Leaders™ --a customized leadership assessment built on years of expertise to help you uncover, embrace and leverage your unique leadership DNA. Ellyn will share:

  • Research-backed leadership best practices that will guide your journey
  • A simple – but powerful – leadership framework
  • How you can uncover and embrace your natural leadership style and strengths
Mapping Your Leadership Journey
Moderated by Amy DeLouise with Syd Stewart, Joanne Wage, and Susan Jin Davis
Sunday, October 25 / 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT

Building a powerful network is critical to supporting your leadership journey. Bring your lunch or coffee and start to connect with fellow attendees; answer grab-bag questions to get to know each other in a more meaningful way, including how you are each tackling common challenges.

Growing Big Ideas Through Design Thinking
Speaker: Beth Singer
Sunday, October 25 / 2:15pm - 3:15pm EDT

Everyone has big ideas that are too audacious to set in motion. But what if nothing stood in your way? What would your career look like? And what kind of a legacy would you leave? Beth Singer, a long-time leader in the design field, helps us imagine what could be, and shares insights from her own journey on how to get there, using design thinking.

In this session you will learn to learn:

  • To concretize your dreams and visions
  • How to shape your legacy
  • The power of changing the status quo.

You will also get a chance to kick off your personal journey in tackling your mammoth ideas through breakout groups towards the end of our session.

Read Beth's Blogpost "Four Ways to Grow Big Ideas and Leave Your Legacy" here!

Daily Debrief
Facilitator: Ellyn McKay
Monday, October 26 / 10:30am - 11:00am EDT

Bring Your Own Coffee and get ready to roll! This is an essential kick-off activity for our second day together. Bring your coffee and discuss takeaways and "aha" moments from Day One, and how to apply these lessions for upcoming workshops.

Align Your Leadership Brand
Speaker: Amy DeLouise
Monday, October 26 / 11:15am - 12:30pm EDT

Your brand is your story. More than that, an intentional brand strategy can help you frame your personal leadership journey. This workshop takes you on a deep dive to what underpins your brand story, how to connect your core values to your brand promise, and how to communicate that brand in person and across digital channels in a way that propels your career where you want it to go.

Workshop participants will:

  • Learn the essence of your brand narrative
  • Build your brand syndication strategy
  • How to share your professional and leadership brand to different target audiences across in-person and social media channels
  • Tools and apps to make it easier to deliver your brand story
"Ask Me Anything" Speaker Sessions
Amy DeLouise, Ellyn McKay, Susan Borke
Monday, October 26 / 12:30pm - 1:00pm EDT

Rotate through Zoom rooms to connect with our speakers and ask your questions about careers, business, leadership...or almost anything!

Brown Bag Breakouts: Powering Up
Monday, October 26 / 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT

How do you take the next step on your career journey? What obstacles do you face? What do you need to ask for to get to the next level? Work in small groups to tackle career-in-transition challenges and come away powered for your own leadership transformation.

Afternoon Keynote - A Conversation with Dr. Sheila Brooks: The Power in Career Transitions
Speakers: Dr. Sheila Brooks, Amy DeLouise
Monday, October 26 / 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT

Attend an intimate interview with Emmy-award winning television journalist, executive producer and advertising agency CEO Dr. Sheila Brooks led by Amy DeLouise. Dr. Brooks has spent a career breaking barriers as a woman of color and a business leader. You will come away empowered to tackle your personal leadership transitions.

Daily Debrief
Facilitator: Ellyn McKay
Tuesday, October 27 / 10:30am - 11:00am EDT

Bring Your Own Coffee and roll up your sleeves. This is an essential kick-off activity for our final day together. Bring your coffee and discuss takeaways and "aha" moments from Day Two, and what you are planning to apply in your leadership journey.

Amp Up Your Negotiation Skills
Speaker: Susan Borke
Tuesday, October 27 / 11:15am - 12:45pm EDT

Women have unique challenges to propelling careers and businesses effectively, especially in these challenging times. Being prepared for negotiation often makes a real difference in your leadership success. In this highly interactive workshop, negotiation skills expert Susan Borke will teach you the first 3 steps in a practical, easy to implement approach you can use when negotiating with employers, clients, contractors, staff, vendors, and even friends or family. Get ready to lead by being Negotiation Ready.

Workshop participants will:

  • Understand the benefits of a positive negotiation mindset
  • Learn the seven-step cycle for negotiating success
  • Experience the value of Negotiation Readiness
  • Get a deeper dive on three fundamentals of effective Research
PANEL: Taking the Lead: Insights from the Frontlines
Moderated by Amy DeLouise with Ginger Hudson, Adrena Ifill, Payton List, Cheryl Ingstad
Tuesday, October 27 / 1:00 - 2:00pm EDT

Do not miss our "Hot Seats" session with these highly effective leaders across a spectrum of industries. Learn how they applied their leadership strengths, used negotiation skills, and built their leadership brands. Get an inside look at strategies you can use in your own career.

Ready to Act Like a Leader
Ellyn McKay, Susan Borke, and Amy DeLouise, Facilitators
Tuesday, October 27 / 2:15pm - 3:30pm EDT

In this session we will synergize your work, discuss our final takeaways, and allow each participant to build a customized leadership checklist in each of our three topics for actions to take when you leave.

Day 1  //  Sunday, Oct. 25
The Power of a Network:
Meet Your Workshop Leaders
Take Charge of Your Leadership Journey:
(Before Someone Else Does)
Brown Bag Breakouts:
So, This Happened
Growing Big Ideas Through Design Thinking
Day 2  //  Monday, Oct. 26
Daily Debrief
Align Your Leadership Brand
"Ask Me Anything" Speaker Sessions
Brown Bag Breakouts:
Powering Up
1:15 - 2:15pm EDT
Afternoon Keynote
A Conversation with Dr. Sheila Brooks:
The Power in Career Transitions
Day 3  //  Tuesday, Oct. 27
Daily Debrief
Amp Up Your Negotiation Skills
PANEL: Taking The Lead-Insights from the Front Lines
1:00 - 2:00pm EDT
Ready to Act Like a Leader
The Power of a Network: Meet Your Workshop Leaders
Amy DeLouise, Ellyn McKay, Susan Borke
Sunday, October 25 / 10:30am - 11:15am EDT

Learn about the leadership journey of each of our workshop leaders, and how their networks have intersected and powered their careers. Get ready to power up your leadership journey!

Take Charge of Your Leadership Journey (Before Someone Else Does)
Speaker: Ellyn McKay
Sunday, October 25 / 11:30am - 1:00pm EDT

What is stopping you from being the most confident, most successful leader you can be? You are smart. You are capable. You are well-respected. You get results. AND you know you can do more and accomplish more as a leader.

HOW will you become the leader you are capable of becoming AND earn a permanent seat at the leadership table?

After 30 years of working with women leaders who have transformed themselves and their businesses, Ellyn McKay will share concrete ways you can take charge of and accelerate your leadership journey so you can begin to think, feel and act like the leader you can be. Participants will get an inside look at the DiSC Work of Leaders™ --a customized leadership assessment built on years of expertise to help you uncover, embrace and leverage your unique leadership DNA. Ellyn will share:

  • Research-backed leadership best practices that will guide your journey
  • A simple – but powerful – leadership framework
  • How you can uncover and embrace your natural leadership style and strengths
Brown Bag Breakouts: So, This Happened
Sunday, October 25 / 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT

Building a powerful network is critical to supporting your leadership journey. Bring your lunch or coffee and start to connect with fellow attendees; answer grab-bag questions to get to know each other in a more meaningful way, including how you are each tackling common challenges.

Growing Big Ideas Through Design Thinking
Speaker: Beth Singer
Sunday, October 25 / 2:15pm - 3:15pm EDT

Everyone has big ideas that are too audacious to set in motion. But what if nothing stood in your way? What would your career look like? And what kind of a legacy would you leave? Beth Singer, a long-time leader in the design field, helps us imagine what could be, and shares insights from her own journey on how to get there, using design thinking.

In this session you will learn to learn:

  • To concretize your dreams and visions
  • How to shape your legacy
  • The power of changing the status quo.

You will also get a chance to kick off your personal journey in tackling your mammoth ideas through breakout groups towards the end of our session.

Daily Debrief
Facilitator: Ellyn McKay
Monday, October 26 / 10:30am - 11:00am EDT

Bring Your Own Coffee and get ready to roll! This is an essential kick-off activity for our second day together. Bring your coffee and discuss takeaways and "aha" moments from Day One, and how to apply these lessions for upcoming workshops.

Align Your Leadership Brand
Speaker: Amy DeLouise
Monday, October 26 / 11:15am - 12:30pm EDT

Your brand is your story. More than that, an intentional brand strategy can help you frame your personal leadership journey. This workshop takes you on a deep dive to what underpins your brand story, how to connect your core values to your brand promise, and how to communicate that brand in person and across digital channels in a way that propels your career where you want it to go.

Workshop participants will:

  • Learn the essence of your brand narrative
  • Build your brand syndication strategy
  • How to share your professional and leadership brand to different target audiences across in-person and social media channels
  • Tools and apps to make it easier to deliver your brand story
"Ask Me Anything" Speaker Sessions
Amy DeLouise, Ellyn McKay, Susan Borke
Monday, October 26 / 12:30pm - 1:00pm EDT

Rotate through Zoom rooms to connect with our speakers and ask your questions about careers, business, leadership...or almost anything!

Brown Bag Breakouts: Powering Up
Monday, October 26 / 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT

How do you take the next step on your career journey? What obstacles do you face? What do you need to ask for to get to the next level? Work in small groups to tackle career-in-transition challenges and come away powered for your own leadership transformation.

Afternoon Keynote - A Conversation with Dr. Sheila Brooks: The Power in Career Transitions
Speakers: Dr. Sheila Brooks, Amy DeLouise
Monday, October 26 / 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT

Attend an intimate interview with Emmy-award winning television journalist, executive producer and advertising agency CEO Dr. Sheila Brooks led by Amy DeLouise. Dr. Brooks has spent a career breaking barriers as a woman of color and a business leader. You will come away empowered to tackle your personal leadership transitions.

Daily Debrief
Facilitator: Ellyn McKay
Tuesday, October 27 / 10:30am - 11:00am EDT

Bring Your Own Coffee and roll up your sleeves. This is an essential kick-off activity for our final day together. Bring your coffee and discuss takeaways and "aha" moments from Day Two, and what you are planning to apply in your leadership journey.

Amp Up Your Negotiation Skills
Speaker: Susan Borke
Tuesday, October 27 / 11:15am - 12:45pm EDT

Women have unique challenges to propelling careers and businesses effectively, especially in these challenging times. Being prepared for negotiation often makes a real difference in your leadership success. In this highly interactive workshop, negotiation skills expert Susan Borke will teach you the first 3 steps in a practical, easy to implement approach you can use when negotiating with employers, clients, contractors, staff, vendors, and even friends or family. Get ready to lead by being Negotiation Ready.

Workshop participants will:

  • Understand the benefits of a positive negotiation mindset
  • Learn the seven-step cycle for negotiating success
  • Experience the value of Negotiation Readiness
  • Get a deeper dive on three fundamentals of effective Research
Leadership Hot Seats Panel
TBD panel, Amy DeLouise, Moderator
Tuesday, October 27 / 1:00 - 2:00pm EDT

Do not miss our "Hot Seats" session with these highly effective leaders across a spectrum of industries. Learn how they applied their leadership strengths, used negotiation skills, and built their leadership brands. Get an inside look at strategies you can use in your own career.

Ready to Act Like a Leader
Ellyn McKay, Susan Borke, and Amy DeLouise, Facilitators
Tuesday, October 27 / 2:15pm - 3:30pm EDT

In this session we will synergize your work, discuss our final takeaways, and allow each participant to build a customized leadership checklist in each of our three topics for actions to take when you leave.

Taking the Lead Speakers

Founder/ President/ CEO, SRB Communications

Sheila Brooks, Ph.D.

Dr. Sheila Brooks is an Emmy award-winning marketing, media and communications strategist, and former television newscaster and executive producer. Dr. Brooks is founder, president and CEO of SRB Communications, a full-service advertising, marketing and public relations agency in Washington, D.C. The agency has been providing advertising, multicultural, video production, and crisis communications strategy, creative and content development to clients in several industries for more than three decades, e.g. energy and utilities, higher education institutions, government and transportation agencies, issue advocacy and political campaigns, and convention centers and sports arenas. In 2019, SRB Communications received the highest honor from corporate America when the agency was named Supplier of the Year by the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). 

Dr. Brooks serves as the lead strategist for the agency, having received more than 200 entrepreneurial and journalism awards for her work including NABJ’s prestigious 2019 Ida B. Wells Award and a 2019 NAACP Image Award Nomination for her first book, Lucile H. Bluford and the Kansas City Call: Activist Voice for Social Justice. She serves on numerous boards including chair of The President’s Club DC, a network of high-growth, established African American entrepreneurs; member of the Board of Trustees’ executive committee of the Federal City Council, chair of the Board of Visitors for the Global School of Journalism and Communication at Morgan State University, and as a board member for the Jim Vance Media Program at Archbishop Carroll High School. As a sought-after national speaker, she is a longtime advocate for minority and women’s issues and small business. 

Dr. Brooks is an adjunct professor teaching multicultural marketing in the award-winning Strategic Public Relations graduate program at The George Washington University. She received a Ph.D. in Communication, Culture and Media Studies and a Master of Arts in Political Science from Howard University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Washington in Seattle where she was inducted in the department’s 2018 Hall of Fame.

Creative Director, DeLouise Enterprises

Amy DeLouise

Amy DeLouise – Creative Director, DeLouise Enterprises Amy DeLouise has built a career as a storyteller across digital platforms, hybrid and live events. Her clients include: Fulbright Association, Meridian International, Skylum Software, Jewish Federations of North America, National Association of Chemical Distributors, Federal Express and Microsoft to name a few. Amy also helps to train other digital storytellers as a consultant to international companies looking to improve the impact of their branded content. She is a LinkedIn Learning author of 11 courses on video production and business, and has authored two books with Routledge Press that are used in film and media programs around the world: The Producer’s Playbook: Real People on Camera (2016) Sound and Story in Nonfiction Film and Video: A Guide for Content Creators (2019). Amy has received more than 40 top creative awards for directing and producing, such as the CINE Golden Eagle, NY Festivals, DC Peer Awards, and Telly Awards and is a recipient of the prized Woman of Vision Leadership Award from the Washington, DC Chapter of Women in Film & Video. Amy founded #GALSNGEAR (@galsngear on Instagram) to amplify and support women leaders in media, entertainment and tech. Follow her on LinkedIn, Instagram (@adbrandbuzz) and Twitter (@brandbuzz).

Founder, CEO Vision

Ellyn McKay

Ellyn McKay founded CEO Vision “to do my part to ensure that women leaders realize the power and value of their leadership in the workplace, the economy and the world. Because I believe that women leaders can be great leaders, I help them to: Uncover and celebrate their powerful leadership brand.” For almost 30 years, Ellyn has assisted hundreds of women leaders who have successfully transformed themselves, their teams and their organizations. They understand that when they are at the top of their leadership game, they are better equipped to build, lead and inspire high-performing teams that deliver results. Ellyn McKay is a pioneering advocate for the advancement of women leaders. She played key roles in AWED, the Women Presidents’ Educational Organization (WPEO), The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) and the Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO), and is an award-winning, authorized partner for Everything DiSC®, a Wiley company. Elly graduated cum laude from Georgetown University with a degree in Psychology and earned a master’s degree from American University in Organizational Development. She has also attended Oxford University’s Trinity College (English Literature) and Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business (executive business program for women executives).

Owner/Principal, BorkeWorks

Susan Borke

Susan Borke is the owner and Principal of BorkeWorks. She has been teaching effective negotiating techniques to professionals at every level for over 25 years. Susan is an attorney and media company executive with almost 30 years of experience in business affairs of at National Geographic Society and its subsidiaries. She has also practiced law with a firm in Washington, DC. Prior to getting her law degree, Susan worked as a Director of Finance for the CBS-owned television station in Philadelphia (WCAU-TV). With a strong background in business affairs, legal and financial administration, Susan understands the negotiating challenges that professionals face.

“If you don’t ask, you don’t get.” Susan Borke first used this simple principle as a financially-strapped college student who needed to find a way to get course credit for an unpaid internship, without paying tuition. It was one of her first successful negotiations and helped to spark her passion for teaching this strategy, and other effective negotiating techniques, to business people of every level.

Susan Borke, the Principal of BorkeWorks is passionate about helping people develop as effective negotiators. She believes no one is born a master negotiator. Great negotiation skills come from a combination of knowledge, training, and practice. Susan has over 25 years of negotiating and negotiation training experience with domestic and international commercial companies, educational institutions, and nonprofits as a media executive at CBS and in-house counsel at National Geographic.

Principal, Beth Singer Design LLC

Beth Singer

Beth loves the challenge of a good design problem. “I thrive on looking at clients’ challenges and joining forces to create exceptional solutions that are also drop-dead gorgeous.” A graduate of the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design, Beth founded Beth Singer Design (BSD) to pursue her twin passions of great design and giving back to the community.Beth is a multi-platform designer, who leads the firm’s work in print, digital, video, and live event spaces. Under Beth’s leadership, BSD has helped clients raise millions of dollars, change minds, and convert interest into action. Clients ranging from advocacy groups, nonprofit organizations and government agencies, to health and educational institutions, have achieved their goals through design solutions.

The design community honored Beth with its prestigious American Institute of Graphic Arts Fellows Award, which recognizes designers who have made a significant contribution to raising the standards of excellence in design practice and conduct. A leader in her field both nationally and locally, Beth served for four years on the national board of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), where she chaired four committees: sponsorship for chapters, finance, development, and a nationwide design education project called the “Design Explorers.” Beth also brought her creative vision to the local AIGA board for 10 years serving as its president, among other positions, and has sat on the boards of the International Design for Electronics Association (IDEA) and the Rhode Island School of Design Alumni Council.Beth has always been a visionary. Now she is leading the way for future design thinkers through a curriculum for elementary school children with husband and BSD partner, Howard Smith.

producer, host, director

Nicki Sun

Nicki Sun is an independent producer, host, director, cinematographer, content strategist and editor. She has been working both in front and behind the camera since 2009 and has produced, shot, and hosted over 500 videos as a one-woman band.

She is the creator and host of “Now You Know,” an interview talk show which spotlights emerging Asian American talent, and “TechNicki Speaking,” a channel dedicated to all things tech within the filmmaking community. Before launching Nicki Sun Media, she curated content for Myx TV, Google, Chef Martin Yan, and The Soraya performing arts center. She is a partner of #GALSNGEAR, an initiative to ensure women in the technical fields of media production get high level networking, access to gear and the latest industry technology, and visibility at major industry events like NAB Show and Cine Gear Expo. She recently produced and cast her first pilot Separation and directed the 18th Unforgettable gala, aka “The Asian Oscars.”

Director of Video Content Management, Verizon Media

Ginger Hudson

Ginger Hudson is the Director of Video Content Management at Verizon Media. She is responsible for digital live event management, video-on-demand content and metadata management, and 24 x 7 network operations center customer support and professional services. Previously, Ginger held numerous positions within the company, including leading operations, application support, development operations, infrastructure and software development teams. In 2016, Ginger won the company’s President’s Club Award, given to top performers in the company’s sales organization. Prior to joining Verizon Media, Ginger worked for USA TODAY and Gannett Broadcasting (TEGNA) for 15 years in roles ranging from producer to manager of broadcast operations. Ginger is a graduate of the University of Maryland and holds a degree in radio, television and film.

Filmmaker/Writer and Founder, Better Youth

Syd Stewart

Syd Stewart is a Los Angeles based writer and filmmaker. She is the Founder/Executive Director of Better Youth, a non-profit organization that builds creative confidence in foster youth through mentoring and media arts training. She has authored two collections of poetry, A Rock and A Hard Place (iUniverse, 2010) and Babylon Graffiti (Zeitgeist Press, 2019). Syd was featured in films Hughes’ Dream Harlem and Everyday People, and has appeared in The New York Times, Variety, and People Magazine. Stewart’s work was selected by the National Endowment For The Arts’ 50th Anniversary. She is a 2020 BIPOC Sci-Fi Storytelling Fellow, a 2019 Indie Memphis Black Filmmaker Finalist (handpicked by Barry Jenkins), 2017 New York Stage and Film filmmaker fellow, Austin Film Festival Second Rounder and 2016 Universal Pictures Emerging Writers semifinalist. Syd was recently staffed as a television writer on an upcoming scripted series.

General Manager, Crunchy Roll

Joanne Waage

Joanne Waage is the General Manager of Crunchyroll, the world’s most popular anime brand with more than 70 million registered users and over three million subscribers. As general manager, Waage oversees global content licensing, operations, monetization, marketing, and brand strategy for the platform. Waage joins Crunchyroll from Rakuten, where she was the CEO of Rakuten Viki, a premiere global streaming service for fans of Asian dramas, and Soompi, a leading global K-pop news and fansite.

Waage has dedicated her career to bringing great content to viewers around the world in new and innovative ways. During her time at Rakuten, Waage led Viki and Soompi through their biggest years, hitting strong double-digit growth in both revenue and subscribers and securing Viki’s spot as the #1 global provider of Asian dramas. During Waage’s tenure, she pushed the company into original production, launching six Viki Originals between 2017 and 2018 and securing a deal with Skybound Entertainment (creators of “The Walking Dead”) to co-produce the global series, “Five Year.” Because of Waage’s passion for super-serving fandom audiences, she also led the Viki team to launch Learn Mode, where fans can learn Korean or Mandarin (Japanese pending), alongside Created, Viki’s influencer and branded content arm and Viki’s K-Beauty store on Rakuten.com.

Prior to joining Viki, Waage was senior vice president of business development and programming at MobiTV, the first company in the world to deliver live television to cell phones. At MobiTV, Waage led all video programming strategy, content licensing, media-related business development and content operations.

Waage has also held key positions in sales and marketing at Viacom and production for MTV, VH1, FX, PBS and Lifetime. Waage holds a degree from Columbia University in New York.

Award-Winning Communications Entrepreneur and Producer

Adrena Ifill

Adrena Ifill, CEO and founder of Ifill/DoubleBack Global Group, is an award-winning filmmaker. She has written, directed and produced several historical films that have shown internationally. Her firm specializes in cultural heritage management and media production. With over 25 years of experience, Ms. Ifill has worked with many corporations, nonprofits and government entities. She has consulted and produced media and multi-platform projects with an eye towards historic authenticity and creativity. She enjoys searching through archives and bring history to the present for future productions, focusing on global Black communities and culture.

A graduate of Williams College, Howard University and George Washington University’s Documentary Center, Ms. Ifill is part of the cohort of AADHum Scholars, a fellowship at the University of Maryland for 2020.

Dept of Energy

Cheryl Ingstad

Cheryl Ingstad serves as the Director of the Artificial Intelligence & Technology Office (AITO) for the Department of Energy (DOE). AITO was created on September 5, 2019, to serve as the central body responsible for the development, coordination and application of Artificial Intelligence, building upon the Department of Energy’s capabilities as a world-leading enterprise in scientific discovery and technological innovation. Ingstad comes to DOE from 3M Company, where she led critical commercialization efforts in AI/Machine Learning research and development. Before 3M, Ingstad was an early leader in the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Information Operations Branch.

Ingstad holds a MA in International Economics and International Relations from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, and a BS from Georgetown University. She is also a graduate of the US Army Signal Officer Basic Course and the US Army Intelligence Analysis Course.

General Manager & workflow specialist, Sim Post

Payton List

Payton List is the General Manager and workflow specialist at Sim Post Los Angeles, who leads a team of kick-ass dailies and workflow gurus. This involves managing color-flow from set to post, metadata collection, technical troubleshooting, media transport and review, client communication, travel coordination nationally and abroad, technician training, etc. Our main focus is on making our clients’ lives easier so they can focus on the creative intent of their projects. When we’re not working directly with clients, we focus on R&D of new technology and software.

As a leader, Payton values the art of effective conversation, technical knowledge, diversity and inclusion, and collaboration. “I don’t fear getting my hands dirty or taking ownership of mistakes, therein leading by example.” Payton is on the HPA Young Entertainment Professionals committee, a member of SMPTE. She loves trail running, traveling the world, and hangin’ with her pups.

Chief Sustainability Officer, Comcast NBC Universal

Susan Jin Davis

Susan Jin Davis, Chief Sustainability Officer, has more than 25 years of experience in the communications and technology industry. In this role, she is responsible for identifying sustainable strategies and priorities and for implementing the Company’s Sustainability Program across all of Comcast NBCUniversal business units and functions.

Prior to her current role, Susan was Senior Vice President of Operations Compliance and was responsible for implementing product policies, operationalizing regulatory and legal requirements, reducing costs to the cable business and managing business compliance.

In 2011, Susan negotiated a historic Memorandum of Understanding between Comcast and the Asian American community as part of the Company’s merger with NBCUniversal that created ground-breaking commitments in the areas of programming, supplier and employment diversity and community investment. She serves on Comcast’s Internal Diversity Council and is a Company liaison to the Comcast and NBCUniversal Joint Diversity Council. She is an executive sponsor of Asian Pacific Americans at Comcast, a Company employee resource group.

Susan was also integral in the 2011 launch of Comcast’s Internet Essentials Program which has connected millions of U.S. households to high-speed Internet at home.

Susan completed the Women in Cable Telecommunications Senior Executive Summit at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business and has completed the Women’s Executive Leadership Program at the Wharton School of Business. She received the 2010 Paragon Award of the National Association of Multi-Ethnicity in Cable and completed CTAM’s Executive Management Program at the Harvard Business School. Susan was a fellow in the Betsy Magness Leadership Institute of the Women in Cable Telecommunications. She has been named one of the “Most Powerful Women in Cable” and one of the “The Most Influential Minorities in Cable” by Cablefax for many years. Susan serves as the Chair of the Board of the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies and is on the Boards of the Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce & Entrepreneurship and the Juvenile Law Center. She also serves on the Board of Trustees of Bryn Mawr College.

Senior Product Manager, Adobe

Margot Nack

In addition to being a lifelong film junkie, Margot is a Senior Product Manager for Adobe’s Video & Audio team. In her ten years at Adobe, she helped bring Adobe Anywhere for Video to market, integrate Speedgrade into Adobe’s Creative Suite, and has partnered with Adobe’s Creative Cloud field sales, marketing, and communications teams to bring customers’ journeys and stories to life. Always a sucker for a good story, Margot loves her role working with and learning from some of the most creative post-production professionals in the industry, and helping shape the tools that enable them to bring their stories to life. Margot graduated from the University of Colorado with a B.A. in Art History, and started working in technology after graduating. Moving through the ranks at various tech start-ups, digital design and marketing agencies, and Fortune 500 customers including banking and retail.

Launch Your Leadership Journey


*P|PW Online Fall Attendees can save $50 on their registration. Contact P|PW Online Event Staff, eventhelp@fmctraining.com to redeem.

Thanks to our Taking the Lead Sponsors


Gold Sponsor - Verizon Media


Silver Sponsor - Blackmagic Design
Raffle Sponsor - Adobe


Taking the Lead Partner - Platform
Taking the Lead Partner - Women in Film & Video, Washington DC
Taking the Lead Partner - Women in Technology
Taking the Lead Partner - Innovation Women

Taking the Lead Sessions

Day 1  //  Sunday, October 25

The Power of a Network: Meet Your Workshop Leaders

10:30am – 11:15am EDT

Learn about the leadership journey of each of our workshop leaders, and how their networks have intersected and powered their careers. Get ready to power up your leadership journey!

Take Charge of Your Leadership Journey (Before Someone Else Does) with Ellyn McKay

11:30am – 1:00pm EDT

What is stopping you from being the most confident, most successful leader you can be? You are smart. You are capable. You are well-respected. You get results. AND you know you can do more and accomplish more as a leader.

HOW will you become the leader you are capable of becoming AND earn a permanent seat at the leadership table?

After 30 years of working with women leaders who have transformed themselves and their businesses, Ellyn McKay will share concrete ways you can take charge of and accelerate your leadership journey so you can begin to think, feel and act like the leader you can be. Participants will get an inside look at the DiSC Work of Leaders™ –a customized leadership assessment built on years of expertise to help you uncover, embrace and leverage your unique leadership DNA. Ellyn will share:

  • Research – backed leadership best practices that will guide your journey
  • A simple – but powerful – leadership framework
  • How you can uncover and embrace your natural leadership style and strengths

Begin to think, feel and act like the leader you can be.

PANEL: Mapping Your Leadership Journey

1:15pm – 2:15pm EDT

Building a powerful network is critical to supporting your leadership journey. Bring your lunch or coffee and start to connect with fellow attendees; answer grab-bag questions to get to know each other in a more meaningful way, including how you are each tackling common challenges.

Growing Big Ideas Through Design Thinking

Beth Singer

1:15pm – 2:15pm EDT

Everyone has big ideas that are too audacious to set in motion. But what if nothing stood in your way? What would your career look like? And what kind of a legacy would you leave? Beth Singer, a long-time leader in the design field, helps us imagine what could be, and shares insights from her own journey on how to get there, using design thinking.

In this session you will learn to learn:

  • To concretize your dreams and visions
  • How to shape your legacy
  • The power of changing the status quo

You will also get a chance to kick off your personal journey in tackling your mammoth ideas through breakout groups towards the end of our session.

Read Beth’s Blogpost “Four Ways to Grow Big Ideas and Leave Your Legacy” here

Day 2  //  Monday, October 26

Daily Debrief

10:30am – 11:00am EDT

Bring Your Own Coffee and get ready to roll! This is an essential kick-off activity for our second day together. Bring your coffee and discuss takeaways and “aha” moments from Day One, and how to apply these lessons for upcoming workshops.

Align Your Leadership Brand with Amy DeLouise

11:15am – 12:30pm EDT

Your brand is your story. More than that, an intentional brand strategy can help you frame your personal leadership journey. This workshop takes you on a deep dive to what underpins your brand story, how to connect your core values to your brand promise, and how to communicate that brand in person and across digital channels in a way that propels your career where you want it to go.

Workshop participants will:

  • Learn the essence of your brand narrative
  • Build your brand syndication strategy
  • How to share your professional and leadership brand to different target audiences across in-person and social media channels
  • Tools and apps to make it easier to deliver your brand story

"Ask Me Anything" Speaker Sessions

12:30pm – 1:OOpm EDT
Rotate through Zoom rooms to connect with our speakers and ask your questions about careers, business, leadership… or almost anything!

Brown Bag Breakouts: Powering Up

1:15pm – 2:15pm EDT

How do you take the next step on your career journey? What obstacles do you face? What do you need to ask for to get to the next level? Work in small groups to tackle career-in-transition challenges and come away powered for your own leadership transformation.

Afternoon Keynote - A Conversation with Dr. Sheila Brooks: The Power in Career Transitions

2:30pm – 3:30pm EDT
Attend an intimate interview with Emmy-award winning television journalist, executive producer and advertising agency CEO Dr. Sheila Brooks led by Amy DeLouise. Dr. Brooks has spent a career breaking barriers as a woman of color and a business leader. You will come away empowered to tackle your personal leadership transitions.

Day 3  //  Tuesday, October 27

Daily Debrief

10:30am – 11:00am EDT

Bring Your Own Coffee and roll up your sleeves. This is an essential kick-off activity for our final day together. Bring your coffee and discuss takeaways and “aha” moments from Day Two, and what you are planning to apply in your leadership journey.

Amp Up Your Negotiation Skills with Susan Borke

11:15am – 12:45pm EDT

Women have unique challenges to propelling careers and businesses effectively, especially in these challenging times. Being prepared for negotiation often makes a real difference in your leadership success. In this workshop, negotiation skills expert Susan Borke will teach you the first 3 steps in a practical, easy to implement approach you can use when negotiating with employers, clients, contractors, staff, vendors, and even friends or family. Get ready to lead by being Negotiation Ready.

Workshop participants will:

  • Understand the benefits of a positive negotiation mindset
  • Learn the seven-step cycle for negotiating success
  • Experience the value of Negotiation Readiness
  • Get a deeper dive on three fundamentals of effective Research

PANEL: Taking the Lead-Insights from the Front Lines

1:00pm – 2:00pm EDT

Do not miss our “Ask Me Anything” session with these highly effective leaders across a spectrum of industries. Learn how they applied their leadership strengths, used negotiation skills, and built their leadership brands. Get an inside look at strategies you can use in your own career.

Ready to Act Like a Leader

2:15pm – 3:30pm EDT

In this session we will synergize your work, discuss our final takeaways, and allow each participant to build a customized leadership checklist in each of our three topics for actions to take when you leave.